
This is where you may check for monthly fundraiser information. This page is updated periodically, check back often.  If you have any questions, please, email, call or text This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at 614-216-5487.

See and subscribe to our Fundraising Calendar

Family Accounts

Family Account Fundraisers

These fundraisers enable you to raise money for your family account. Unless otherwise noted, you earn 80% of the profit towards your family account. What does that mean? If you sell an item at $20 and the profit is $10. Your family account receives $8.00 and $2.00 goes into the general fund. You can still feel good about supporting the band and earning money for your band/trip fees.

Strader's Flower Sale - 04/10/2024 - 04/26/2024

The GCHS Band Booster Flower Sale is here! Orders are open now through 4/26 at 5 pm. Delivery will be Friday, May 10 at GCHS. Due to the nature of these items, there may be substitutions for other colors or type, subject to availability.

This year, we are utilizing our online platform to collect all funds. You may either collect all orders for friends and family and input your order, or share the link- either way, you must ensure your student name makes it to the order form field "student name" to ensure credit for the order.

Orders will be in for pick up on May 10th

Online Order Form

Rooster's 10% Cards Are Sold Year Round

These Rooster's Cards are good for 10% off each meal for the 2020 year. The cost is $10 at time of pickup and each one sold will earn $8 to your family account! Please note that you can not sell these cards inside a Roosters establishment or within 1/2 mile of the store. These are for private fundraising uses only such as face-to-face, door-to-door, family members, office settings, etc. This is a prepaid fundraiser, please make checks payable to GCHS Band Boosters.

Please call/text/email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at 614-216-5487 with any questions

RaiseRight Program Is A Year Round Program

See the RaiseRight tab above for information on this program.

Please call/text/email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at 614-406-6437 with any questions.

Anthony Thomas Candy Bar Is A Year Round Program

See the Anthony Thomas tab above for information on this program.

Please call/text/email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 614-537-9485

Levy Is A Year Round Program

The Grove City Band Boosters have many opportunities for you to support your children in the band. One of those is working concessions for venues run by Levy Restaurants. We currently have two venues where we have stands that we run. Our largest and most popular is Mapfre Stadium where the Columbus Crew SC plays. We have other locations at the Columbus Clippers and the Schottenstein Center. By working events, you benefit your students and the band as a whole.

See the Levy menu for more detail

Please call/text/email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at 740-360-2860 with any questions.

General Fund

General Fund Fundraisers

Monthly Restaurant Nights

We attempt to do a Restaurant Night once a month. Information on Restaurant nights are normally on the Fundraising calendar as well as posted to the homepage of the website and the Facebook Fan Page events section.

Anthony Thomas Candy Bars

Anthony Thomas Candy Bar Fundraiser Are Sold Year Round

Each candy bar sells for $1.50, (80% of the 75-cents profit goes to your family account.). You need to pay $45 to receive a bag of 30 candy bars and money is earned for your family account. There are 4 Flavors [Caramel, Crunch, Almond, Peanut Butter] and mixed bags are now available. This is a prepaid fundraiser, please make checks payable to GCHS Band Boosters.

FAQ regarding Candy Bars:

Q: Can I exchange or get a refund?
A: No, there are no refunds or exchanges.

Q: How much are the candy bars?
A: $45 per bag of 30

Q: How many bags can we order?
A: There is no minimum or limit as long as I have them in stock. If you want to purchase 20 bags ($900 worth), then go for it!

Q: Do we pay for the bags upfront?
A: Yes, once I receive payment they are yours! You are welcome to eat all of them, or sell them: your decision!

Q: What Payment Methods do you take?
A: Cash or Check. Checks should be made out to GCHS Band Boosters

Q: Is there a time limit when you have to sell?
A: No, again they are your candy bars

Q: How often can I restock?
A: As often as you'd like. Just shoot Jennifer a message and she can work around your schedule.

Q: How much goes into my account?
A: Normally, during a trip year, your child will receive $22.50 in his/her account. After the trip year, we will go back to 80/20 split and the account will be credited $18, then the remaining $4.50 will go to the band account.

Q: When will my child's account be credited?
A: We're all volunteering our time, but we all work diligently to get things done in a timely manner. With that, please allow a week or two (in some instances 3 weeks) for your child's account to be credited from the time you purchase your bars 

Q: Where can I find my credit?
A: In your Cut Time account under "Candy Bar Sale"

Q: Who do I contact for candy bars?
A: That's me!! My contact info is stated below

Q: Where is candy bar pickup?
A: At my home. Please text me your order, our agreed time and when you're on the way, and your child's first and last name.

Q: What flavors can I purchase?
A: We have almond, crunch, peanut butter, and caramel.

Q: How many of each flavor are in one mixed bag?
A: I divide them in increments of 8-8-7-7 so the flavors vary.

Q:Can I purchase mixed bags only?
A: No, you may purchase mixed, half and half, and/or single flavor if I have enough in stock.

Q: Can my child pick up my order?
A: Yes, as long as you've communicated that with me I have no problem.

Call or text This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at 614-537-9485


RaiseRight Program

What is RaiseRight?

The Band Boosters sell gift cards through RaiseRight.  Gift cards are available for over 700 retailers including department stores, restaurants, grocery stores, home improvement stores, theaters, electronic stores, gas stations, hotels, airlines and online stores. Cards are purchased at face value with a percentage returned to the Band. Your family account receives 80% while the Band general fund receives the remaining 20%. You are earning commission on the cards purchased.

Getting Started

To start ordering RaiseRight you need to register at www.raiseright.com.

  • Click the link above or go to the website and choose "Sign Up" at the top-right.
  • The GCHS Band Booster enrollment code is 43E277DD6LL1.
  • Follow the instructions to register. All information must be filled in including your email address and the name of your student. This information is not shared with anyone other than the Scrip Coordinator.
  • You may then sign up with online payment or other options.
  • Purchase eGift Cards or physical gift cards.
  • You will be notified when physical gift cards are in and ready for pick up.

Eighty percent (80%) of your Scrip earnings will go into your family account while the remaining twenty percent (20%) will go into the Band’s general fund. A packing slip will be included with your gift cards showing how much your family earned with the order.

RaiseRight App

Simply the Right Way to Fundraise The new RaiseRight™ mobile app makes fundraising easier. There's no need for selling, event planning, or door knocking. No extra time wasted. No extra money spent. Shop more than 750 top brands using gift cards—right from your phone. Whether you're at home or at the store. Get started with on-the-go fundraising that creates opportunities for the people and organizations that matter most to you.

Download and use the App for free from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store

Examples of how it can be used:

Going out to eat? Check in the RaiseRight App to see if the restaurant you are at is a retailer in Scrip. If they are, wait till you get your bill to see what you owe and then download a gift card right there and use to pay your bill. It only takes less than 5 minutes for the card to show up in the Wallet tab in the App.

Shopping at your favorite clothing store? Before going to check out, see if the retailer is on Scrip. If they are, add up a best guess of what you are about to spend and order a scrip gift card to use.

The sky’s the limit!


See a complete list of participating retailers here.

Questions? Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 614-406-6437 or 614-745-7230

Rewards Programs

Kroger Rewards

By using your Kroger Plus card when you check-out, booster members (and their family and friends) can earn funds for the Grove City High School Band programs.

Register or re-register your Kroger Plus Cards online at Kroger's secure website.

In order for the Grove City High School Band Boosters to receive funds, you will need our group's Kroger Community Rewards organization number.

GCHS Organization Number: 81540

Did You Know Your Kroger Plus Card Can Earn Money For The GCHS Band?

By using your Kroger Plus card when you check-out, booster members (and their family and friends) can earn funds for the Grove City High School Band programs.

Register or re-register your Kroger Plus Cards online at Kroger's secure website, www.kroger.com.



These funds greatly benefit our students and the tremendous band program we have at Grove City High School! We ask that you continue to participate in the Kroger Community Rewards Program and encourage your friends and family to as well.

For more detailed information regarding this program, please refer to Kroger's website at www.krogercommunityrewards.com or call their customer service number at 1-800-576-4377.

For any questions relating to this program and the Grove City High School Band Boosters, please contact the fundraising chairperson or a board member.